Monday, February 22, 2010

Skin Type Changed In Photo Shop;

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy Emotions;
The images above are showing happy emotions on their faces. This is clearly stated by the shape of their mouths and eyes, they are either showing there teeth and have a slight upward look and their eyes are also smiling in a way as well. Eyes are sightly more shut giving them a little slant.The third picture is a good example of smile lines which help in portraying this emotion.


Excited Emotion;
The images above are showing an excited and surprised emotions on their faces. The wide eyes and mouths are clearly state the emotion they are feeling. The middle photograph is the best example of what goes through a child when they find out some exciting or surprising and there reactions.


Crying/Sad Emotion;
The images above are showing crying/sad/upset emotions on their faces. The tears in their eyes state clearly the emotion and their mouths can give away this to. In the top photograph the child's mouth is curled down, show that they are upset and not wanting to show it but as for the last photograph this child is showing its emotion and is hysterically crying.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

emu and frog;

In the first couple of lessons we all had to learn to use photoshop by morphing an emu and green tree frog. By the third time, i think that we all had the hang of it.

we learnt how to...

- import images
- flip images
- overlay (new layer)
- opacity
- masks
- transform (apple T.)