Monday, January 31, 2011

Cat & Alice - analysis

This is a high angle/over shoulder shot. Alice in being look down on over the cats shoulder showing how far she is down from where he is up in the tree he was resting on. This background is dark and dull creating a ery scene in the forest she's walking through. Gives off a mysterious feeling to the shot.

Mad hatter

The mad hatter is taken from a close up shot to emphasize on his facial expression. He is portrayed as a crazy character that's shown by his teeth, hair and eyes. The background is very dull but he is very bright and make up is done lively.

Shot analysis

This scene has been taken as a Low angle shot to create suspense and showing how high and risky the situation is. It is also a wide shot to show the perspective of the room, like he is in a in-closed inescapable room which could relate to his metal state. Colour of the lighting is dull and cold to create the feeling on isolation and him wanting to escape. These things are all carefully chosen.


This shot is a low angle/over shoulder angle which creates a feeling of power the queen has over the frog which is who's shoulder the camera is angled from. The onlooker placed in the background shows how powerful she is in her own palace and how they are try and look like her with their glued on big noses and ears, they are her followers. The makeup and acting really emphasis what is happening in this scene.

Shot types

The shot types really influence the way the audience feels about the certain parts the film.
The shots types include:
- wide/long shot
- medium shot
- close up
- extreme close up
- low angle
- high angle
- too much headroom
- too little headroom
- too much Leadroom
- too little leadroom
- Over shoulder
- shot interview setup

Thursday, January 27, 2011

class notes

A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off. In general, shots don't last more than 10 seconds.

Cinema is a visual art form. Cinema is not literature. A film is not a novel.

An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
Four common types of edits are:
- cuts
- dissolves
- fades
- wipes

As scene is a collection of shots, arranged through editing, into specific order.