Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Movie Website. Term 4

I have started on my movie website and about half way through. i have used icon on the top as a navigator for the site and adding in the photos and writing now. i have had a problem with trying to put my movie on the site because it kept stoping half way through when i change it to a quicktime file.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Term 4

For term 4 in creative media we are creating a movie website for our animations on iWeb. We have learnt to use symbols and make them into hyperlinks.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



the music was added and a few bits of editing here and there and it is now finished and ready to hand in.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


so far i have finished my animation and transfered all of the scenes into iMovie. so now i am just working on the end bit. mr powell thinks i should put the girls bowing at the end and i am not exactly sure how i am going to do that yet. once i have the whole movie put together with the bow and then all i need to do is some editing and add the music. not long now...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Factory Clip.

In this video it is set as a factory/working theme where cartoon-like objects are being controlled by human figures. In this I noticed that the crane like object was a human hand and that most of the machinery was being moved by people with spanners and handles. I found the overall mood of the work was like a dirty, smoky factory. It starts of with footsteps as the workers are shown walking into the work shed and then the machinery noises come in, it is like the sound of a turning cog and tapping sounds. I also noticed that they had floating boats on big air balloons across the sky and a boat horn sound. computer sounds were made in the scene when the person is typing on the computers in the room.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


the videos below show what i have completed up until now (the start of term 3)

scene 2 & 3


I am half way through my animation on animation-ish. I am up to the scene of the dancing legs. So far I am happy with what I have done

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

so far....

what i've done so far...
only a rough copy
a lot more work still to do

for my film on animation-ish, i have decided to do it on ballerinas.
this is my story board above
i have started to create it on the program. i have drawn the first ballerina with dress and all then copy and pasted the body + dress and just used fill to change the colours.

Monday, May 17, 2010


i have decided that i want to use animation-ish for my film.
i prefer it a lot more than iStop.
i am going to be doing it by myself.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

term two.

this term we are focusing on animation. animation-ish has what we have been working on for the last 3 weeks, but soon we are going to be starting to look at iStop motion then figure out which program we like better to work on for our assignment for the term. i think i prefer animation-ish.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I basically think that I did quite well with time management as I finished within the time bracket with everything complete, including all blog posts. I have to be honest and say that I think I could have improved my final product and put more thought into what I was hoping to achieve and basically I only changed colours. It was still a challenge for me as I was having trouble with the layers and my final photo-shopped image contained a lot of them so it gave me heaps of practise. If I could of gone back and done things differently I properly would. I would of made my avatar more animal related and changed their faces features so that they were more unusual looking and made them more interesting.

creative media reflection;

I started off this Creative Media assignment with no clue about what I wanted to do, so there was quite a few weeks of just playing around with a heap of different pictures and seeing what I could do for my final product. I had an issue with layers in the beginning, wasn’t a fan. But then I realised how important they were in the end and how much easier it make it. I used them to separate the hair, skin, lips and much more parts of the image. In the beginning we first learnt about layers, masking and changing colours which is pretty much the basics and you can do anything with knowing about those 3 things. The masks helped me a lot during the process of this assignment. After putting all of the parts into the different layers, I masked them and this helped me isolate the parts I wanted to change the colour of. I chose the colours blue and green as they are the best for camouflaging in water and the jungle, which is the surroundings of where they live. They are all born in twin and come in opposite, meaning if one had blue hair and green skin the other would have green hair and blue skin.

As I said, I did not like the layers in the beginning and found them difficult and frustrating. But on the other hand, I did really like the masks and I found them quite easy to use.

I prefer to work independently than in groups and find that I am a visual learner and picked up on a lot of the techniques by the demonstration. So during the process of the project I found that I just worked on the image and learnt as I went. That is how I prefer to learn.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

final image.

this is what i am going to submit.......

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


this is what i have done, near my final product. im not really liking the look on ashley at the moment, it can be fixed. her skin tone is looking a bit weird. i had them at the start with one with all blue hair and skin and the other with all green skin and hair but then i decided that it was too boring and changed them so that they are oppisite each other.

personality profile

this unusual species are all born in twins and are always oppisite each other, for example if one has green hair and blue skin the other will have blue hair and green skin. they are these colours as it works well with camouflage in both the water and jungle. they are kind and welcoming but very protective over there land, who is ruled not only by one person but by all, they vote. they all have large families due to everyone being born with a twin and very close with there sibilings.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


i have started on my final copy of the avatars. they are Green and Blue skinned as they change there colour depending on the camouflage they need. I have decided to use the Olsen Twins as my image instead of Sienna Miller. I'm not really liking what i have done so far, but i will try fix what i have done so i will be happy with my final submission.

Monday, March 8, 2010


i have decided that my base colour for my avatar is going to be green as they are going to live in the forest. the green will help them camouflage. when they are need to hind they turn blue as they take cover in water and this will help them go un-seen.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

another photoshop picture;

more work...
i have changed her skin to a blue, her hair to an orangy colour and changed the colour of one of her eyes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

sienna miller;

so far in photoshop for my assignment, i have started playing around with an image of Sienna Miller. changing her skin tone. i may use this image as my final submission (with more editing of course!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Skin Type Changed In Photo Shop;

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy Emotions;
The images above are showing happy emotions on their faces. This is clearly stated by the shape of their mouths and eyes, they are either showing there teeth and have a slight upward look and their eyes are also smiling in a way as well. Eyes are sightly more shut giving them a little slant.The third picture is a good example of smile lines which help in portraying this emotion.


Excited Emotion;
The images above are showing an excited and surprised emotions on their faces. The wide eyes and mouths are clearly state the emotion they are feeling. The middle photograph is the best example of what goes through a child when they find out some exciting or surprising and there reactions.


Crying/Sad Emotion;
The images above are showing crying/sad/upset emotions on their faces. The tears in their eyes state clearly the emotion and their mouths can give away this to. In the top photograph the child's mouth is curled down, show that they are upset and not wanting to show it but as for the last photograph this child is showing its emotion and is hysterically crying.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

emu and frog;

In the first couple of lessons we all had to learn to use photoshop by morphing an emu and green tree frog. By the third time, i think that we all had the hang of it.

we learnt how to...

- import images
- flip images
- overlay (new layer)
- opacity
- masks
- transform (apple T.)