Tuesday, March 23, 2010

creative media reflection;

I started off this Creative Media assignment with no clue about what I wanted to do, so there was quite a few weeks of just playing around with a heap of different pictures and seeing what I could do for my final product. I had an issue with layers in the beginning, wasn’t a fan. But then I realised how important they were in the end and how much easier it make it. I used them to separate the hair, skin, lips and much more parts of the image. In the beginning we first learnt about layers, masking and changing colours which is pretty much the basics and you can do anything with knowing about those 3 things. The masks helped me a lot during the process of this assignment. After putting all of the parts into the different layers, I masked them and this helped me isolate the parts I wanted to change the colour of. I chose the colours blue and green as they are the best for camouflaging in water and the jungle, which is the surroundings of where they live. They are all born in twin and come in opposite, meaning if one had blue hair and green skin the other would have green hair and blue skin.

As I said, I did not like the layers in the beginning and found them difficult and frustrating. But on the other hand, I did really like the masks and I found them quite easy to use.

I prefer to work independently than in groups and find that I am a visual learner and picked up on a lot of the techniques by the demonstration. So during the process of the project I found that I just worked on the image and learnt as I went. That is how I prefer to learn.

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