Thursday, June 2, 2011

Key Characters:

Mackenzie is a bright and sometimes quiet school girl. She has a sense of humour and a friendly personality. Mackenzie is in her late teens, around 15 – 16 years old in the 10th grade. She is at five-feet-five-inches tall with long blonde hair and her eyes are brown.
Her normal school day has taken a turn when she feels like she is being watched constantly through out her day, she gets these breathing sounds following closely behind her everywhere she goes and when she turns around…nothing is there. She then discovers what has been stalking her in a haunting manner, the evil toys.

The Evil toys are all after her and very eager to capture and kill her.

Key Locations:

Classroom setting:
Group of girls sitting in classroom, working at desks on computers and copying down notes. There is lots of writing over the whiteboard.

School Grounds (pathway):
Mackenzie walking down path, discovers the evil toys in reflection and toys start to peer out. There is lots of sticks and leaves on the ground and trees around this setting. The trees create a hiding spot for the toys to peer out from.

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