Thursday, February 3, 2011

Indiana Jones

this film is a adventure and action type movie. This is because of the high and low angles, characters that make up the film and the scene lighting and setting as it's mostly based in a jungle. Cuts were used in this to give a sence of what going on around them and build suspense.

Style of Acting:
Body language is a style that is used in this movie to create the feelings of the sence. The way he didn't show fear and seemed invicaible added to his character.

The whip was a main prop to the character of Indiana Jones to show how he can "do things with his bare hands" and had enough strength without having to have weapons like guns. The gold goblet/ statue resembled power and wealth that is presumed to belong to the tribe. The spiders were imbolic of the acient cave and bring fear to the readers.

The lighting displayed the humidity out in the jungle thought the make up, body and clothes. Once they entered the cave the feeling became ery and the temperature had dropped.

The setting was in the jungle which resembles adventure.

1 comment:

  1. be careful of spelling errors in: style of acting: scene and invincible words
    Don't forget to post your shot types and the notes on Aliens cheers :)
