Thursday, October 20, 2011

Exploring and evaluating promotional material for existing films: Film 2

Green Lantern is a action film for the age group of 7 to 20 year old, mainly boys interested in the sci-fi action genre of film. They have used animal and human action hero characters to attract its target audience.

Once you open the Green Lantern film website:
You come to a screen showing all the characters plus the trailer of the film and buttons where you can either enter the site or promotions for buying/downloading the movie which i think is a good idea to get the views thinking about purchasing the film being the main goal. For obvious reasons, they have a mostly green and black colour scheme giving it a mystical feel. once you enter the site its main focus on the screen is of the main character on a sci-fi action background that gives you defiant idea of what the movie is going to be about and its genre, i think having the main character the focus is a good idea with the layout and it was also balanced site without being to busy. the links are videos, photo gallery, special features, downloads, soundtrack, buy now and other but these were the ones that i thought were the most important parts you much have on your film site.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When creating a good film poster

When creating a good film poster you will need to consider...

- The films title
- Character images
- Locations images
- Logos or symbolic imagery
- Production company infomation
- Credits
- Copyright infomation

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

test need to know....

elements of film
mise en scene
camera angles
shit types
post production
edl - editing decision list
video transition

Monday, October 3, 2011


The Film Avatar comes under the sci-fi genre. It is a very creative style of film using alien/human-like creatures as the main characters. The storyline is about humans that are mining a precious mineral called Unotanium that exists in Pandora (habitable moon of a giant gas planet). The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe, Navi (species indigenous to Pandora). A group of the humans genetically engineer Na'vi-human hybrid bodies used by a team of researchers to interact with the natives of Pandora.

The feel of this film is clean, crisp, bright and soft within Pandora. It is a very beautiful and lush place, with many green vines and moss, coloured flowers and floating white dandelions. The scene back on earth with the humans is of the opposite with harsh grey, dark grungy feel. They depict this with the machinery around the place.

On the first page entered when opening the film's website you can choose your country which i think is a really good idea so the language changes and most countries have there own Avatar film website. For example: is the Australian version.

The website layout depicts the sci-fi genre through the colour scheme of the purples and blues giving the fantasy look.

There are many links including dowloads, cast, trailer, images, story, news, music and other things for people who are wanting to find out more about Avatar.

The target audience for the Avatar site would be age 10 up. Most ages would enjoy this film for children to the older who are interested in the sci-fi/fantasy genre.

I think that having a trailer or preview of the movie on the website is important and defiantly makes me want to watching it and want to explore the film site some more. being able to purchase the movie from the website encourages the viewer to buy the film because it is easy and there tempting them.