Thursday, October 20, 2011

Exploring and evaluating promotional material for existing films: Film 2

Green Lantern is a action film for the age group of 7 to 20 year old, mainly boys interested in the sci-fi action genre of film. They have used animal and human action hero characters to attract its target audience.

Once you open the Green Lantern film website:
You come to a screen showing all the characters plus the trailer of the film and buttons where you can either enter the site or promotions for buying/downloading the movie which i think is a good idea to get the views thinking about purchasing the film being the main goal. For obvious reasons, they have a mostly green and black colour scheme giving it a mystical feel. once you enter the site its main focus on the screen is of the main character on a sci-fi action background that gives you defiant idea of what the movie is going to be about and its genre, i think having the main character the focus is a good idea with the layout and it was also balanced site without being to busy. the links are videos, photo gallery, special features, downloads, soundtrack, buy now and other but these were the ones that i thought were the most important parts you much have on your film site.

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